Dancing in the Streets of Brazil
Baile Funk: A Popular Brazilian Dance Party

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Map of Brazil
They dance on the streets. “Baile Funk” is the name of a party where Funk music is played. It is very popular in Brazil. The music is rhythmic and it’s the perfect music to dance to. Everyone dances how they feel to the beat of music.
The parties always take place in the nighttime and last into the morning. The place is prepared and invitations are sent to people on Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and Snapchat.
Everyone knows where and when the party will be, but depending on the city and state there are different ways to organize it. Sometimes the music is live and sometimes it’s a DJ, but everyone dances. Some places need the police to come and stop the party because people who live and work in places near the party need to sleep.
You can only go if you live in the area where Baile Funk is happening. Some Baile Funk parties are impossible to go to because the Brazilians gangs know who lives in their areas, and they only allow people in who live in their city. They might shoot people they don’t know as a way to show power in their area. And because people from other cities might be from a rival gang.
Baile Funk is the most popular type of dance party in Brazil.
Baile Da Gaila, one of the most popular Baile Funk bands of Brazil, will be in Orlando, Florida next month. This is the first time that they will be in another country.