The Play That Goes Wrong Premieres This Week
AHS Drama members discuss their latest production
AHS Drama’s latest production
On Thursday and Friday, Nov 17th and 18th, The Abington High Drama Club is set to present The Play That Goes Wrong.
The Play That Goes Wrong is a play within a play by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields (of the Mischief Theater Company) about a drama society’s opening night of their production of Murder at Haversham Manor where things go from bad to worse throughout the show. Highlights include an unconscious leading lady, an actor who can’t play dead, and actors tripping over everything including lines. Since its debut in 2012, the play has received very high praise and has even won an Olivier Award for Best New Comedy after premiering in London back in 2014.
Staff writer Alex Jernegan asked the show’s director Mr. Shannon why he chose this production and he had this to say, “I chose it because we wanted to do a comedy after last year’s dramatic production of Lockdown. I looked at many different types of shows, but this one stood out as being very fun and entertaining.” When asked what kind of message or experience the audience will get from the production, Mr. Shannon said “I really hope they will laugh, be entertained, and appreciate the hard work of the cast and crew!”
The show consists of 8 main characters along with actors who play the stage crew who are mostly backstage but are sometimes seen from the audience. Alex Jernegan sat down with the cast members of the play with in the play and an actor who is in the “Stage Crew” for a quick interview. He talked with sophomore Natalia Maciel, junior Julia Riley, and a cast member who wishes to remain anonymous.
Jernegan: How are you liking your experience in The Play That Goes Wrong so far?
Maciel: I’m having a great time in the play! This is my first time acting so everything is so new and exciting.
Riley: I have really enjoyed my experience in The Play That Goes Wrong, I think even more than I originally thought I would. I enjoyed watching the process of the whole show coming together.
AHS Drama Club member: It’s been very fun! A lot of work but still enjoyable
Jernegan: Are you excited with your role, what are you most looking forward to?
Maciel: I love my role! I’m excited for all the stunts I get to do. I feel like my character is always passing out or getting hurt so that has been fun to rehearse.
Riley: I am looking forward to keeping the show running backstage with the other stage crew members. I am excited to continue to explore the perspective of a crew member as well.
AHS Drama Club member: Yes I am excited for my role, I’m excited to really make the role I play into something I can enjoy and get into
Jernegan: How do like working with your production members and cast mates?
Maciel: Everyone is amazing to work with. We all have a great time rehearsing.
Riley: I have loved working with my cast mates and production members. I think that we have a really great group of people that are motivated to make the show the best that it can be and make every rehearsal and time together fun.
AHS Drama Club member: I do like working with the other cast members they are a nice group of people
Jernegan: What drew you to audition for the play?
Maciel: Honestly, I just thought it would be fun to audition! I’ve worked as stage crew before, so I wanted to change things up a little.
Riley: I think the style of this show really drew me to audition for it. I have never participated in anything like this show before, a show with a ton of moving parts and a really comedic nature, and it really interested me.
AHS Drama Club member: I auditioned because it seemed like a fun play to perform
Jernegan: As a cast member, what has been your biggest challenge in this show?
Maciel: My biggest challenge in this show has been lines. I’ve never had to memorize lines for anything, so it was a new experience for me.
Riley: I think my biggest challenge with this show had been not physically being on stage. Since I am an acting crew member on the show, I am almost entirely backstage, and this was something that I had to get used to. I think in the end though this “challenge” has actually become the biggest asset of doing this show because it is really putting into perspective the true amount of work that a crew member puts into the show, and it has been a really cool change in the end for me.
AHS Drama Club member: The biggest challenge would probably be the memorization of everything like; lines, blocking, etc.
The Play that Goes Wrong will be performed in the AHS auditorium on 11/17 and 11/18. Doors open at 7pm and the show is set to start at 7:30pm. Tickets will be sold at the door on both nights of the show to students and faculty for $5 and adult tickets will cost $8.
*Editor’s Note: Alex Jernegan is also a member of AHS Drama

Alex Jernegan (Class of 2023) joined the Green Wave Gazette in his freshman year and is a senior right now. Alex has thought of being a writer but has...