Good V18es at Abington High
The Class of 2018 Prepares to Say Goodbye
May 25, 2018
On May 25, the Class of 2018 arrived on wheels. Only not all belonged to cars and trucks. Several dozen seniors arrived via bicycles, skateboards, and rollerblades. Then the class gathered in the high school parking lot before school for one last time. Best wishes to the Class of 2018!
Calendar of Senior Events
May 25:
- last day of classes
- senior receiving line at main entrance portico, 4:30-5:15
- senior reception at Nantasket Beach Resort, 6:30 PM
May 29:
- music Banquet at the Senior Center, 6:00 PM
May 30:
- mandatory graduation rehearsal, auditorium, 10:00 AM
- senior athletic banquet, Middle School Cafeteria, 6:30 PM
May 31:
- senior awards night, auditorium (formal event), 7:00 PM
June 1:
- senior stroll (new event), 9:00 – 10:00 AM
- mandatory graduation rehearsal, auditorium, 10:00 AM
- senior picnic, hosted by parents and PTO, outside, 10:00 AM
June 2:
- graduation, auditorium (seniors must arrive at 9:15), 10:00 AM