Emergency Alarm Goes Off at Abington’s Co-located Middle-High School
Faulty Wiring Causes Students to Evacuate
August 29, 2019
Prior to classes on August 29 an emergency alert system sounded at the Abington High/Middle School around 7:08 AM. A man’s voice stated that there was a situation inside the building.
Students, faculty, and staff who were in the school filed out onto the front lawn and parking area. A small traffic backup formed since students were instructed not to enter the school and vehicles, including the school buses, were prohibited from entering the school’s front drop off lane.
At 7:23, students, faculty, and staff were directed to return to the building.
When students arrived back into their classrooms, they were told by Dr. Sullivan, principal at AHS, in an announcement over the PA system that the alert was the result of an electrical malfunction and that no threatening event had occurred.
Morning announcements began later than normal, but the rest of the day resumed without any schedule changes.