Spotlight on the Green Wave Gazette’s Editor-in-Chief Abby Joyce

Four years of dedication in bringing forth student voice

Abby Joyce

Senior Abigail Joyce poses in front of the display case containing some of the Green Wave Gazette’s work in the upstairs rotunda in 2019.

Julia Riley, Staff Writer

Abington’s “Green Wave Gazette” is produced by student journalists and broadcasters. Senior Abby Joyce is the Editor-In-Chief this year, and next month she, along with several other senior members of the newspaper, will be graduating. Here is a look back at Joyce’s four year career with the “Gazette,” as well as her plans for the future.

Time on the Green Wave Gazette

Riley: What made you want to join the Green Wave Gazette?

Joyce: I originally joined the Gazette because I enjoyed writing and wanted a place to do it outside of the typical classroom setting.

Riley: What has been your role on the Gazette as the Editor-In-Chief? How has it evolved in your time in that position?

Joyce: My role is to oversee articles and read over pieces that people write. This role has evolved because I have been able to connect with students on and off the Gazette staff, in order to edit and revise different contributions.

Riley: What have been some special things that you have done as a part of the Gazette?

Joyce: Some of the things that I have been a part of are the Harvard Crimson Summer Journalism Academy in 2018 and the SNO [Student Newspapers Online ] Course on Editorial Leadership. These were both huge learning experiences and I met so many people who have taught me the ins and outs of how real newspapers work.

Riley: Have you received any awards or scholarships?

Joyce: I have received the Green Wave Gazette Award and the Abigail Adam’s Scholarship.

Riley: What are your feelings on being a student reporter in terms of the First Amendment?

Joyce: In terms of the first amendment, I think it is extremely important to understand the value of the student voice. In real newspapers, the insight is limited to the people on the staff, however with student journalism; students have the free ability to express themselves in countless media forms. It can act as a unique outlet for the school as well as the community.

Involvement at Abington High School

Riley: Where else have you been involved during high school? Sports clubs, extracurricular, etc.

Joyce: In high school, I’ve play soccer and tennis, and am a member in the concert band, wellness committee, peer leaders, and National Honor Society.

Plans for the Future

Riley: What are your plans for the future?

Joyce: I am going to UMASS Amherst [the Honors Program] and studying biology in the Biotap program there. I hope to attend medical school later on. Biotap is a program in the Commonwealth Honors College for 48 biological science students to have research opportunities and similar classes, as well as live together on one floor.

Impact on Joyce’s High School Career

Riley: What will you miss most about Abington High School?

Joyce: I will miss being able to see my classmates and friends in class and at practice and knowing that I will be able to see them every day.

Riley: Are there any particular teachers or coaches that have had a big impact on you?

Joyce: Ms. Pflaumer was a huge mentor for me, since the very beginning of freshman year, and has showed me the ropes on how a newspaper should work, and instilling me with the passion and determination it takes to be successful in high school.

Additionally, Coach Mrs. Casey has had a huge impact on me through playing soccer and being a part of the wellness committee and has acted as a role model for how I hope to navigate my life with determination and a strong work ethic. She has always been there for my teammates and I, and I am so grateful for her guidance over the years.

Senior Advice

Riley: Do you have any advice for underclassman?

Joyce: The advice I would give to underclassmen would definitely be to challenge themselves in every aspect of their high school career, but also the importance of taking a step back every once in a while to realize that once high school is over, most of the things that they stressed about won’t really matter in the long run, so they may as well enjoy their time here.