We Do Care

Peer Leader Project Helps Other Students

Carly Goldberg, with permission

During the week of Valentines Day, students in the Peer Leaders club put together 36 We Do Care gift packages to be sent to Mullins, SC for displaced 3rd and 5th graders.

Lyla Blanchard, Staff Writer

In September, the state of South Carolina was greatly impacted by Hurricane Florence. The major flooding caused many hardships on the residents there. In response, Abington High School’s Peer Leaders wanted to do their part.

Mr. Siegel, the Peer Leaders advisor and community service teacher, said that, “Over 80 AHS Peer Leaders were matched up with the thirty-six 3rd and 5th graders who were displaced from their homes.” The Peer Leaders partnered with students of the McCormick Elementary School to help students affected by the storm.

Mr. Siegel said that “many of their residents and students lost their homes and belongings when the area flooded. Some of the McCormick Elementary School students were displaced and either had to move in with family members or move to new areas.”

Mr. Siegel added that although “the SC community rallied around the schools in the district and immediately tried to provide for the needs of effected students and families,” Peer Leaders wanted to help out too. Junior Keriann Danahy said, “I am excited that we had this opportunity to help out kids in a time of need.”

This project to help the children of Mullins is titled “We Do Care” and is like the project the Peer Leaders did last year for a Kindergarten class in the Alief Independent School District in Houston, Texas, which was impacted by Hurricane Harvey. That hurricane caused major damage to 200 schools in Houston. In response, the AHS Peer Leaders started a “We Do Care” project which involves sending gift packages containing cards, letters, toys, books, and games to the students affected by a disaster.

The “We Do Care” packages this year for the McCormick Elementary School were sent over February vacation. Mr. Siegel said that, “Mr. Roger Woods from Old Town Real Estate located in Abington generously sponsored the postage fee to be able to send all of these care packages to the students.”

This month the Peer Leaders will have a meet and greet via Skype with the children of McCormick Elementary School. Emily Coulsey, a Peer Leader and Green Wave Gazette reporter, said she is “looking forward to talking to the kids we sent letters and gifts to because I want to see how it made a difference. I also hope to learn a little more about them and hopefully put a smile on their faces.”

The Peer Leaders main goal is to help people. They have put in lots of hard work to make this “We Do Care” project a success. Coulsey said, “The kids have been through a lot and I think the project will let them know that people are on their side.”