Underclassman Award Ceremony

End of the year spotlight

Ms. Pflaumer

Underclassman award recipients and their parents


Over 130 students received academic awards today. The ceremony was held in the auditorium during period 1, with many parents in attendance. Awards were from all academic subject areas, as well as for National Honor Society, high honors, Green Wave Gazette, Letters about Literature, WordWright Challenge, and more.

Congratulations to all the recipients and to their proud parents and guardians!


Jonathan Aiello                        Nicholas Graf                           Trinity O’Connor

Colby Augusta                          Carly Goldberg                         Grace O’Donnell

Arianna Akusis                        Hailey Holmes                         Jennifer O’Neil

Gabriela Almeida                     Maximus Humberd                   Lily O’Neil

Matheus Alvarez                      Michael Iyamabo                      Krish Panjwani

Erielle Amboy                          Chris-Henberson Jean               Brooke Pettenati

Hudson Arujo                          Samantha Johnson                    Shawn Phillips

Owen Ballum                           Abigail Joyce                           Ashley Polito

Rachel Barrett                          Nathan Joyce                           Megan Reid

Laura Bartlett                           Alexander Just                         Ailey Riddick

Joseph Beaver                          Lauren Keleher                         Manda Riddick

Lyla Blanchard                         Jason Kinniburgh                     Kylie Roberts

Lily Bonner                              Kayla Larkin-Goldman             Lyndsie Roberts

Michael Broomstein                 Alexander LaRosa                    Elizabeth Roy

Jessica Brundage                      Jocelyn Lemus Chavarria          Connor Saccoach

Madisen Caferro                       Hanna Liebke                           Joseph Salah

Mackenzie Cahill                     Daisy Littlefield                       Alison Santosuosso

Brook Callanan                        Cecilia Lindo                           Vianne Shao

Emily Christian                        Jordan Little                             Giovan Soares

Sara Christian                           Matthew Lyons                         Sarah St John

Colby Chryssicas                      Olivia Litzenberger                   Derek Tirrell

Charlotte Ciampa                     Corin Mahan                            Brian Tolan

David Collins                           Aleena Magnasco                     Brice Tolan

Haley Cooper                           Katherine Marando                   Fraser Toomey

Emily Coulsey                         Justin Maskell                          Elizabeth Venuti

Abbiejayne Cristoforo              Nicole Marella                         Lidia Vidal

Cameron Curney                      Aiyana Mathis                          Allison Walsh

Kerriann Danahy                      Abigail Maynard                      Julie Warscheski

Emily Dankese                         Dylan Magararu                       Jacob Wedge

Andre Junio DaSilva                 Isabella Miele                           Liberty Woods

Linda Daye                              Allison MacLeod                      Mohammed Zaiden

Roman DeBono                        Neil MacLeod

Taiylor Demarco                      Robert Molloy

Stefany Depaula                       Leticia Meneghetti

Kirstyn Deschamps                   Grace Monahan

Tabitha DiMascio                     Justin Murphy

Neeko DiMascio                      Hailee McClafferty

Emily Duchaney                       Brainna McCadden

Julia Do                                   Luke McCabe

Erin Doherty                            Miryam Naidjate

Shon Doherty                           Shamm Nasser

Victoria Donahue                     Jordyn Needle

Abigail Edwards                       Lauren Nelligan

David Edwards                         Amanda Nguyen

Aidan Fisher                            Amy Nguyen

Jenna Galvin                            Gracie O’Connell

Kathryn Genest                        Madison O’Connell