Read, Ride, and Recharge

New Invention Made by Seventh Graders

Alison Santosuosso

TJ Brown, Amy Long, Kyla Perez, Dillon McMahon, Payton O’Connor, Glenn Carterman, Jake Quinn, Sadie Lynch, Dorothea McGrath, Haylie Jackson, Jennifer Scofano, and Aidan Foley working on their phone charging invention.

Alison Santosuosso, Staff Writer

A group of seventh graders recently came up with an invention so you can charge your phone while riding a stationary bicycle located in the Abington co-located Middle/ High School library. According to science teacher Ms. Peruzzi, “As you ride, you turn your chemical energy into electric energy to charge your phone.”

So, the next time you’re in the library, give your phone energy and take away your stress.