Five Nights at Freddy’s, is the first movie in a hopefully long franchise of films. This movie is based off the hit game series of the same name. The movie follows Mike Schmidt (Josh Hutcherson) and his sister Abby (Piper Rubio). After losing his job Mike must take a low paying security job as the nightguard for Freddy’s establishment. While this happens Mike must take his younger sister to work with him because his usual babysitter no longer works that job. The movie features the famous animatronics, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and the title character Freddy Fazbear. The animatronics are actual robots and were in many scenes remote controlled. The movie features some good twists that casual viewer’s will be shocked by, and the fans will be anticipating the whole ride. The set up is good and casually leads into the ending of the movie, itself is quite enticing and will leave many viewers on the edge of their seats. The main supporting character Vanessa
(Elizabeth Lail) plays a cop who often visited the now abandoned restaurant frequently as a child and helps give backstory to the characters and the casual viewer. All the characters in the movie serve a purpose no matter how little screen time. Overall, critically the movie is a C, it’s good but you can see where the cracks are if you look for them. For cinephiles and casual viewers the movie stands at a solid B, a fun time for the whole family. For the fans of Five Nights at Freddy’s and those who’ve been awaiting the movie since its announcement in April of 2015, I give the Five Nghts at Freddy’s movie an A. As a fan myself I loved all of it. This movie is great and very welcoming of those who don’t know the source material and even with its flaws stands as a good movie.
Iury • Nov 15, 2023 at 5:18 PM
Well explained. Nice job Derek?
super-man • Nov 15, 2023 at 11:11 AM
wow so cool