Moments to Remember

The Class of 2021 will remember the pandemic, but perhaps the fun, too

Abington High School seniors Laura Bartlett, Aleena Magnasco, Lily Bonner, Jordan Little, and Leah Kinniburgh at Reilly Field in Abington for Senior Field Day on May 2021.

Brooke Barry

Abington High School seniors Laura Bartlett, Aleena Magnasco, Lily Bonner, Jordan Little, and Leah Kinniburgh at Reilly Field in Abington for Senior Field Day on May 2021.

Brooke Barry, Contributor

As the 2021 seniors wrap up their last year, the class officers. President Rachel Barrett, Vice President Isabella O’Connell, Treasurer Gracie O’Connell, and Secretary Carly Mentis have made it a primary focus to have a worthy sendoff.

Through countess emails, negotiation, and meetings, the class officers took lemons and turned them into lemonade. Many events have been held to celebrate the seniors.

May 10

Abington’s local ice cream shop Cream brought eight flavors to the side of the high school for seniors to enjoy. Most of the seniors were expecting small sample size cups, but they were pleasantly surprised with two full scoops.

After the ice cream, they finished off their first senior activity by decorating posters in the gym for the next activity

May 12

Seniors flooded the school at 7 am dressed in Hawaiian shirts, lays, towels, grass skirts, and sunglasses. They were ready for their version of a pep rally, considering they could not have one earlier in the year. Their posters decorated the school hallways, some funny posters, and some sad posters. Green and white streamers hung in the hallways and rotunda.

Once it became time to go to Reilly Field, the seniors met at the gym and walked outside together. Tables were set up at the field with awards for the students who won superlatives:

Abington High School senior class Court (left to right): Krish Panjwani, Luciano DaSilva, Maura Odell, Carly Mentis, Aaron Seigal, Mackenzie Cahill, Ryan Dinocco, Greenie GreenWave, Rachel Barrett, Mark Cashman, Queen Carolyn Doherty, and King Brendan Remillard on Friday, May 14, 2021. (Brooke Barry)


  • Best friends- Carly Mentis and Maura Odell
  • Best friends- Aaron Johnson and Matt Lyons
  • Most Likely to Succeed- Emily Coulsey and Michael Iyamabo
  • Most Outgoing- Rachel Barrett and Mark Cashman
  • Best All Around- Carly Mentis and Brendan Remillard
  • Best Laugh-Lyla Blanchard, Glenn Lapointe and Jimmy Choukas (tied)
  • Class Clown- Arianna Akusis and Mark Cashman
  • Gym Class Hero- Elizabeth Roy and Jack Clifford
  • Best Eyes- Leah Kinniburgh and Luke McCabe
  • Most School Spirit- Lyla Blanchard and Jack Clifford
  • Biggest Townie- Jill Cabral and Brady Cristoforo
  • Most Athletic- Isabella O’Connell and Derek Nuttall
  • Most Artistic- Lidia Vidal and Luciano DaSilva
  • Most Musical- Kathryn Genest and Brendan Remillard
  • Most Changed Since Freshman Year- Aleena Magnasco, James Mahoney, and Brendan Grafton (tied)
  • Most Likely to be Famous- Carly Mentis and Matt Lyons
  • Best Hair (girl)- Carolyn Doherty and Jimmy Choukas
  • Worst Driver- Jill Cabral Worst Driver- Anthony Hajjar
  • Best Smile- Leah Kinniburgh Best Smile- Derek Nuttall
  • Best Dressed- Mackenzie Cahill and Luciano DaSilva
  • Most Likely to be Late to Graduation- Abby Boidi and Anthony Hajjar
  • Worst Case of Senioritis- Abby Boidi and Cedric Lucas-Summers
  • Friendliest- Carly Mentis and Mikey Kearns
  • Cutest Couple- Emily Coulsey and Aaron Johnson
  • Most Likely to be Upset about Not Winning a Superlative- Lyla Blanchard and Brendan Remillard

After the superlative awards and rounds of applause it was time to announce homecoming court. Carolyn Doherty was voted queen and Brendan Remillard was voted King and those in the Court were also announced.

They moved on to all the Abington pep rally traditions, like tug-o-war, hula hooping, tic tac toe, musical chairs but with hula hoops, trivia etc.

Trivia questions were student based like “What color dress did Erin Doherty wear to homecoming junior year?” and “Where are the Bregoli twins attending college this fall?” If they answer the question first, they won a class t-shirt.

Tug-o-war is always fun to watch because one side ends up in a pig pile. Musical chairs but with hula-hoops called for many rounds of rock, paper, scissors for tie breakers.

May 14

Seniors gathered for their field day. They met at the gym and walked to Reilly field together.

Abington High School seniors Maura Odell and Carly Mentis hand painted a canvas for all members of the Class of 2021 to add to and sign. (Brooke Barry)

Mr. Cutter, the Class of 2021 Advisor, decided to be a good sport get in the dunk tank while half the class spiked balls at him. “Getting in the dunk tank was my last resort, but I did not want the tank to go to waste and it was clear no one else wanted to go in,” Cutter said.

Victoria Seppala, captain of the Girls Softball team, was the first to dunk Cutter. “Vicky managed to do what a ton of baseball players couldn’t, so I am honestly proud of her,” Cutter said.

Cutter also served popcorn and melted butter by the track shed while the seniors enjoyed the backyard games set up on the field. Games included Spike Ball, Kan-Jam, soccer, Hula Hoops, Frisbee, cornhole, Whiffle ball, kickball, and Jenga. There was also a station for seniors to get their hands painted green and leave a handprint on a canvas for the class gift.

Last Day

May 26 will be the seniors last day. There are more activities planned for them in the next few weeks, including the seniors very long awaited activity prom on June 3 and the award ceremony on June 4.

On June 5, their final activity will occur. Graduation. The Class of 2021 will be the first class to finish all four years in the new high school and the first class to spend an entire senior year under a pandemic.