A Presidential Ballot Ruled by Two Parties Is Dangerous


Ms. Pflaumer, newspaper advisor

The United States Capital in Washington, DC, is lit up on a July night, 2019.

Cameron Curney, Production Manager

The bipartisan system of politics in America is problematic. The system often causes people who vote to make uneducated selections.

First, the idea of making an uneducated decision, based on whether you believe you’re liberal or conservative, then defaulting to the respective party, is incredibly dangerous.

A person should vote for a candidate because they believe that elected official will create an environment that they would be able to succeed in. Their selections should not be based on how they feel about a person, or because they have been previously indoctrinated into a certain political party.

But the idea is all too much of a reality for many voters who don’t think they have the time to do research, or assume the party’s pick will align with their views. It’s a troublesome path that can lead to many voters losing the civil powers they have.

It puts the idea of politics in this unattainable region. There is a disconnect between regular people and the wealthy candidates we’ve become used to. Since when the time for the final election rolls around it is usually billionaires or veteran politicians who are far too often supported by billionaires who support one of the two major parties.

That disconnect was exploited by Donald Trump a lot in the 2016 election. He was able to convince many Midwest voters who felt a physical and metaphorical disconnect from their national politicians whom they felt were either to rich or too far in the pockets of rich people.

It is not a good system for selecting a true best fit politician, and ultimately it makes for bad legislation creation.

The idea of a two party system creates congressional gridlock. Take for instance the many senate bills that have been stopped in the house because Democrats and Republicans all too often care far too much about re-election. Mitch McConnell feels this pressure from these two parties and often stops bill before they even reach the senate floor.

Dissecting the bipartisan system would be a solid step into creating a more interactive political environment. One that demystifies the grandeur associated with politics and makes citizens feel like they have a real role in their government.