Technology Against the World

Cell phones are a problem in society

Andrew Lee, with permission

Abington students gather together while on their phones at a local restaurant after school on the half day Friday, Jan. 25. Left to right are Sean Moran ’20, Griffin Winters ’21, and Connor Lee ’21.

Jack Clifford, Staff Writer

Cellphones are a common addiction in the world. They are changing the younger generation, including mine.

I see cellphones everywhere and anywhere. I see students in the classroom on their phones while teachers are lecturing. I see parents at my workplace on their phones instead of paying attention to their kids while they are at an amusement park. I see commuters on trains to my left and right on their phones. The majority of the world owns a smart phone or cellphone. People go on their phone and don’t interact with their peers, children, or those around them.

I witness so many people on their phone at our school, and I just think, What if we didn’t have phones? How different would the world be if there were no phones?

Phones are a huge distraction to the human brain because when we’re on our phone it draws our attention away from everything outside our phone. They cause our body to delay our reaction time, which could lead to a serious incident. For example, when we had the Distractology Program come to our school, we could see how being on a phone usually delays reaction time and leads to a car accident.

If there were life without phones, the world would change. People would see the world more in-depth than through a screen. People would become more aware of their surroundings and really get a look at life.

Phones have taken over the world like a dystopian movie. We all have become zombies, like in the movie Wall-e.  All we do is eat, sleep, and sit in a moving chair all day. We exist and not look forward to anything, but finding self-entertainment by seeing ourselves through our own phones.

Kids and teenagers are getting access to technology in their early stages of life, and have access to the internet where they can look up anything, even dangerous or inappropriate websites.

Understanding when to be on your phone and when not to be, could be crucial, otherwise it can drain your brain. In other words, it makes us tired and have a loss of energy. It makes our face and eyes feel droopy.

To help prevent drain brain, phones have certain apps or modes where we can set a timer to get off our phones. Many health organizations are looking into phone addiction because being online too much is affecting  young peoples mental health. If we young people could reduce the amount of time we are on our phone, it could also help us from losing our life from texting or calling while driving.

Enjoy your time while living on this earth, and do not get zoned out by your phone.