Coffee With Cam: Friday October 18, 2019

Abington High School Morning Announcements

Cameron Curney and David Edwards

Derek Tirrell, designer

Coffee with Cam appears each Friday in homerooms at Abington High School. The first show aired in the fall of 2019 with host Cam Curney, Class of 2020.

The third episode of “Coffee with Cam” was recorded at the Abington Cable Access Media studio on 17 Oct. 2019 and aired on 18 Oct. 2019.

NOTE. Government 101: The First Amendment “Freedom to Petition.” After a petition went around the high school with over 100 signatures requesting the announcements be referred to as Cam-o’clock—Cam Time, Mr. Curney obliged.

Production crew: Host Cam Curney, a senior at Abington High. Director Justin Shannahan, Director of ACAM. Audio Engineer David Edwards, a senior at Abington High. The Coffee with Cam Ditty is “Back to the Land” by Zack Petti and Dan Brielmann and used with permission.

Coffee with Cam Episode Two