Does News Reflect Reality?

Covering Stories of Good and Evil 


Cameron Curney

On Friday, Sept. 20, 2019, students at Abington High School wore yellow-gold ribbons to stand with children affected by cancer.

Kaitlyn Thetonia , Contributor

Because people tend to focus on the bad things in the world today, all the news really shows us is violence and negativity. Yet, there is so much good that does not get the recognition it deserves.  

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Maybe by creating attention for these positive things it would help stop so much negativity from happening again and again.  

— Kaitlyn Thetonia

Although the news reporters want people to see the negative things that go on in the world, maybe if they were to show us more of the positive things we wouldn’t be so scared and worried about life. When people fear something they tend to have hatred towards it or shut it out. If people didn’t see all the bad things, things would be different. 

For instance, throughout all the bad things that have been happening lately, such as school shootings and hurricanes, there are many people across the world who try to be the light, to stick together and help one another through these difficult and dark times. By creating attention for these positive things it would help stop so much negativity from happening again and again.  

I was thinking about this as I was sitting in English class writing a response to a question about good and evil in the world. I was aware that I was wearing a yellow ribbon to show my support for childhood cancer. So were many other students. I’m not saying that wearing a ribbon makes me a superhero, but it shows I care and am trying to shed light on an evil thing such as cancer.  

Another example of positivity in the midst of evil in the world would be when the Parkland shooting occurred in 2018. That sad, awful February day brought people together from all around the world. Many high schoolers from Parkland started the movement March for Our Lives, which began with a big walk to show that their community was not broken and that they wanted to put a stop to gun violence. In March of that same year, students at AHS also quietly walked around outside of our school to show our support and to honor the 17 lives lost in Parkland Many others around the world also held remembrances that day 

Although there is evil in the world, there is also so much good that creates balance. We need to focus more on the good and not let the evil take over our spirit.  

Do you think good and evil are equally balanced in the world?


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