The Man Behind the District’s Technology Integration
Spotlight: Technology Services Director Rich Bykowski

Mr. Rich Bykowski, Director of Technology Services for the APS
In the Abington Public School System, the next few years are going to be filled with introductions to new educational and communicative technologies. With this flow of new tech, one might wonder who is behind it.
Leading the Technology Services Department is director Rich Bykowski. Bykowski explained that the department is responsible for “our school website, email systems, servers, networking, computers, printers…. The department is made up of 2 full time people, myself and Mr. Oliver Crichlow, Computer and Network Technician.”
Work for Bykowski and company is different every day; however, Bykowski said this attribute of the job is “one of the best things about working in Technology and IT.” Daily, Bykowski can work with any number of school employees, either “to directly assist them with technology issues, or possibly to research new technology to be used here in our district,” Bykowski said. One day, he could be helping teachers across the district with their mobile or classroom projector systems, and the next, he could be looking for vendors to install additional security hardware at the district’s elementary schools.
The schools in the district also have technology liaisons who assist their fellow teachers with the tech in their school. For example, here at the high school Mr. Scott is the technology liaison.
Currently, the department is working on two major projects, one of which is the “purchase of more laptops for student use in the coming school year.” This is an attempt to prepare students for a professional future with a heavy emphasis on technology integration. This goal is complemented by their other project, which is the addition of more “fiber optic cables in town to increase network capacity between schools.” The range of connection, or bandwidth as it is known in the computer technology world, is important to increase with the addition of new laptops.
Bykowski and the Technology Services Department were critical to the success of integrating technology into the new building. Bykowski explained that “many features of the new building now tie into the school’s data network. Obviously the computers and printers, but also the phones, security cameras, PA system, building lighting, heating system and security systems all connect to our network.” The department was responsible for installing those systems and remains responsible for maintaining them.
To assist in the process of moving to a new school, the department enlisted the help of two additional people: AHS graduate Nick Sideropoulos (’15) and current student Xavier Curney (’18). Both “were instrumental in setting up the computers, laptops and classroom technology that are used every day in the new building,” Bykowski said. These two, along with the rest of the Technology Services Department, are responsible for the ease with which students can access technology in the new building.
The curtain has been raised, and the masterminds behind the new technology in Abington Public Schools have been revealed. Hopefully you now have a greater appreciation for the technology as well as the Technology Services Department who introduced and installed it.

Cam, this year's Production Manager, is a member of the class of 2020 and joined the Green Wave Gazette his sophomore year as a Staff Writer with a special...
Peter Schafer • Apr 30, 2018 at 4:11 PM
We are very lucky to be working with Mr. Bykowski in Abington. Cameron, you did a great job with the article!