Living Her Dream
Alyssa Johnson is a flyer for the University of Louisville Cardinals Division I Cheer Team

Alyssa Johnson ’13
Alyssa Johnson is a talented young woman who is lucky enough to be living her dream of cheering for a Division I college program. Presently a junior at the University of Louisville in Kentucky, she cheered for one year while attending Abington High School (Class of 2013), focusing mainly on cheering with her all-star team. Now she is a flyer for the Cards cheer team, cheering at their ACC Division I football games and competing with her team in national collegiate cheerleading competitions.
Recently we interviewed Johnson by phone, as she’s currently living in Kentucky. We asked her what it was like being part of such an amazing team. Johnson said being a member of such a high caliber team is exciting because it helps you push yourself, and encourages everyone to work hard to be the best they can be. The Cardinals practice five days a week during competition season and three days a week when it’s not. When we asked her how long she has been cheering, Johnson said she started doing gymnastics as a child and then decided to start cheer at the age of 10. Her goal for her all-star and college team was to be on top. Johnson is a two time Collegiate National Champion with the Cardinals and a 2015 World Champion for her all-star team, the Gymtyme all-stars. “Winning isn’t the whole picture; we focus on being humble and becoming a family,” said Johnson.
Knowing that Alyssa went to AHS, we asked her how she balanced her time between school and cheerleading. “School always comes before cheer,” said Johnson. “If you don’t get good grades, you don’t cheer. It’s definitely a lot, but when school is over you go to practice and then get to be with your friends and family.” Since Johnson is an all-star cheerleader, she travels all over the country for big competitions. She has made many different relationships with both men and women from all over the U.S. For anyone out there that wishes to become like Johnson, she has the following advice. “School is number one. I learned that the hard way. Study and get good grades,” said Johnson.
Everyone should follow their dreams; if you believe that you can’t do it, read Alyssa Johnson’s story. AHS students can go on to do pretty amazing things!