Last Call for A Loss for Words
One more year for the Abington based band
After 15 years, A Loss for Words, the Abington based pop punk band that recorded 10 albums, toured extensively and produced many creative and entertaining videos (some featuring AHS students past and present), has finally decided to call it quits. According to the band, 2015 will be their last together. The current line-up includes Matty Arsenault (vocals), Marc Dangora (guitar) , Mike Adams (bass), and Chris Mullen (drums), but over the years there have been 13 members including co-founder Danny Poulin. Arsenault (Class of 2002), Adams (Class of 2005) and Dangora (Class of 2000) are all graduates of Abington High School. In fact, the idea for the band was hatched during gym class. “We were in gym, just talking about the music,” said Arsenault in a 2012 interview with the Green Wave Gazette’s Amanda Hayes.
We recently had a chance to talk to Arsenault about the band’s immediate plans as well as his own.
Can you tell us why A Loss for Words is breaking up?
We are entering our 15th year as a band and have accomplished everything we wanted to. Our goal is to leave off in a good place and on a good note. We will be releasing one more album.
What has been the most memorable moment for you while being a part of A Loss for Words?
In 2009 when we toured in Japan; it was our first time out of the country and we didn’t even have a record label yet. I was shocked to hear Japanese kids singing along to our songs.
What are the most influential bands/musicians for A Loss for Words?
(We were influenced by) various R&B artists such as Miguel, some Motown classics such as The Temptations, and the rock band New Found Glory.
Who are your personal inspirations and why?
My step father. He’s a hard worker who started with little and worked with passion to create a name for himself.
What is important to you?
This may sound cliché, but being happy is very important to me. Happiness is taking chances and choosing to live by your own standards and not the standards society wants you to live by.
What’s next for you?
I will continue to be involved with music by managing the band Pvris (pronounced Paris). (
In recent years, Arsenault has also worked on a solo side project called The Class of 92. Perhaps we will hear more from him there. Meanwhile, A Loss for Words prepares for their last year and plans to perform a holiday show December 27 at the Worcester Palladium. For more information, check out their Facebook page: and Twitter @ALoss4Words.

Jilliane Mortimer is a member of the Class of 2015 and is a Staff Reporter for the Green Wave Gazette. She enjoys writing about music and issues affecting...
Ellen Delany • Nov 18, 2014 at 10:54 PM
Just wanted to add that my son Steve Delany (Class of 2001) was the original drummer for AL4W. They practiced at my home for years. Sorry to hear that they are calling it quits, but what a run they have had!!! I wish all of the members the BEST in their futures!!! Proud MOM to all of them!!! xo