Introducing “Be Happy Today!”

Followers can send happy contributions to share


Abby Joyce

The sun shines over budding trees on Thursday, April 23, 2020 in Abington, Massachusetts.

Abby Joyce, Staff Writer

Need a smile? As these uncertain times can be confusing and mentally challenging, we can only look for simple joys each day to navigate our new normal.

The Green Wave Gazette has the perfect solution.

Introducing “Be Happy Today!” People can send us one simple thing that makes them happy each day. Once we have a collection, we will share them!

It is important to remember all the joys that surround us. 

— Abby Joyce

Every day “The Green Wave Gazette” will post one new contribution and spread the happiness in small ways. Whether it be flowers or puppies or kittens, “The Gazette” will post your contribution; you can decide whether or not you want your name posted as well, totally your decision.

The purpose of the “Be Happy Today!” project is to recognize these troubling times, but not to make you forget the countless small reasons you have to be happy every day. It is important to remember all the joys that surround us.

“The Green Wave Gazette” hopes to post what makes you happy every day, and let it remind you to smile.

Email what keeps you happy to [email protected] for possible publication in the Green Wave community. We want to make contributions simple, so if you email your happy comment in a couple of words, that is perfect. We hope to spread your simple joys with our community!