Unsung Hero: Molly Ferguson

Abington Athletics Department, with permission
Molly Ferguson, 2015 graduate of Abington High School, in a photo taken her junior year at AHS.
Molly Ferguson, a junior, you may have seen her around school, you may have not. Either way, she is one of the nicest people at Abington High School.
What sports or extra-curricular activities do you do?
I run cross country, play basketball, and do track. I am also on YouLead and SAAC (Student Athletic Advisory Council).
What does SAAC do?
We get together things for the sports teams such as the fan zones. We do things for every sport (I am the liaison for girls’ sports teams, and Steven Bunzell is the liaison for boys’ sports teams) so that we can get an idea of what they want. We then collaborate on what activities to organize along with the rest of the group.
You’re a three sport athlete, how do you balance your school work and your sports schedule?
I usually do homework before or after practices or games, depending on what time it is. It can be hard to balance it sometimes, but I am able to bring my homework to work sometimes.
Where do you work?
I work at Sub Galley; there is no sub-stitute.
How’s the food? Do you have any suggestions?
It’s good; Everything I make is good. I make a mean sub.
Some would say that you’re a very positive and optimistic person, what is your outlook on life?
I’m a half full type of person. The glass is always half full, whether it be with air or water. I just think being happy is easier, and it makes other people happy.
What are your plans for the future? Do you want to go to college? What do you want to major in?
Yes I do want to go to college, but I have no idea what I want to major in or do as a career. I’m not sure what I will succeed in the most since in school I’m mostly the same for all the subjects.
What are the highlights so far for the past three years at Abington High School?
I’m not sure. I’m making the best of it with all of its ups and downs, and I’ve made a lot of good friends along the way.
What is your opinion on Klondike Bars? If you’ve read previous Unsung Hero articles, which I hope you have, you’ll know where this line of questions is headed.
They’re fantastic.
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
What wouldn’t I do? What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Wow, who is the interviewer in this situation?
This is a hard one. Well, I think they’re great, but I don’t think they’re good enough for me to have to do anything for them. I would just like to be handed a Klondike Bar, for all my hard work and success.

Kim is an Associate Editor with the Green Wave Gazette. She is a member of the Class of 2015 and has been a staff member since her freshman year. Kim is...
Marilyn Weber • Mar 6, 2014 at 4:16 PM
It’s great to read about former Center School students! Fun article, Kim! Nice attitude, Molly!
I like to consider myself a “half full type”, too.
Marilyn Weber