Bonding and Breaking Bread
Language Buddies Host a Breakfast for ELL Students, Their Families and Teachers
Earlier this month on Monday, Dec. 10, Abington High School Language Buddies hosted the second ELL (English Language Learner) Family Breakfast in the Green Wave Café. This event provided an opportunity for ELL students from both the middle school and high school to join together with the Language Buddies Program to bond, make new friendships, learn about different cultures, and meet each other’s families. The Language Buddies program is one of several programs at the high school.
The students cooked breakfast for their family and peers with the help of ELL teachers Mrs. Despres, Ms. Scofano and Mrs. Nunes.
ELL student João Carlos Andrade, class of 2021, said, “It was really fun to cook with my friends and make new friends during the breakfast.”
When asked about his experience, sophomore Luciano DaSilva said, “It is really cool that we get to be involved with people that are just like me last year.” DaSilva was an ELL student from sixth grade up until his freshman year in high school. Now he is returning as a Language Buddy.
Other language buddies include sophomores Hudson Araujo, Carolyn Doherty, Mayra Hidalgo , Faith Kramer, Aiyana Mathis, Sabrina Medeiros, and Leticia Meneghetti (Green Wave Gazette reporter and author of this article), and juniors Brooke Callanan, Mikayla Littman, Shaam Nasser, Miryam Naidjate, and Vianne Shao.
The event provided both students and their families lots of fun. Many said they look forward to the next event to come.

Leticia is a member of the class of 2021. She joined the newspaper staff during her sophomore year. Leticia is a passionate reader and also likes to write...