Winter is on the Way
Get Ready for the Snow Show!
Can we predict what this winter is going to be like?
Last winter was full of snow and ice, with frigid weather that bit any skin that was exposed to the outside. It’s hard to predict what the weather is going to be like this winter before it actually happens. Winters in New England are always cold, due to the way the sun hits the earth. The rays of sun hit New England at a shallow, spread out angle. The level of heat affecting our state is much less than it is in any other season. Everyone expects winter to be chilly and snowy.
Although it’s difficult to predict what weather is in store for us this upcoming season, the Farmer’s Almanac is correct 80% of the time. They calculate predictions by analyzing sunspots, tidal actions, lunar cycles, and planetary positions to have a somewhat firm hypothesis of the weather. “The days of shivery are back!” exclaims the headline on the Farmer’s Almanac website. This year they proclaim that we’re in for a harsh winter, with forecasts of below average temperatures. “Mild air will overrun cold air and produce widespread wintery precipitation, just in time for Christmas.” Although it is anticipated that there is going to be a white Christmas, the worst of the weather should arrive in February, right around the time of the Super Bowl. Some people think that this winter should be mild, because last year’s winter was horrific. Some weather stations predict that this winter will start up mild and slowly build up, yet it won’t beat last year’s weather conditions!

Opinions on winter differ. Some people love the winter and everything about it. Other people strongly dislike the white, chilly weather and go on vacation during the dreadful months to escape the cold. Yet whether you enjoy winter or not, it’s going to happen. Why spend all the money it takes to go on a vacation when you can make the best out of what you have? Winter is a season with many activities at reach. You can go sledding, skiing, snow shoeing, tubing, or have a snowball fight. You could also stay inside and relax while sitting around an open fire with hot chocolate. If none of these things appeal to you, find creative ways to do what you like and enjoy the scenery! White, fluffy snow is beautiful. Maybe snow doesn’t seem too pretty when you have to scrape it off your car or shovel it out of the driveway, but while it’s silently falling and dusting everything outside, it can be one of the most beautiful views around.
Predicting what will happen in the future can be an intricate and tedious task. There’s no definite way of telling what’s in store for the winter in New England, but there are good guesses out there. Whether you have trust in a source or decide to just go along for the ride this winter, make sure you enjoy every minute!