A Chance To Show Respect
Abington road race to honor fallen hometown hero

Sgt. Daniel M. Vasselian (Dannyvfund.org)
In honor of our hometown fallen hero, U.S. Marine Sgt. Daniel M. Vasselian, the Sgt. Daniel Vasselian Memorial 5K Road Race will be held on Veterans Day, November 11, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m (race starts at 1 p.m.). This race, dedicated to Vasselian, will raise money for military families who have suffered a similar loss, Abington families who have faced tragedy, and military organizations. All proceeds from t-shirts and sweatshirts will also go toward Vasselian’s Memorial Fund.
The impact of his death has weighed heavily on the Abington Community. Everywhere you look, support is shown through billboards, t-shirts, and sweatshirts. Not only do we have students in the high school who were related to him, but Vasselian went through Abington Public Schools himself and is known by faculty.
Our fellow student, senior Julia Cabral is Vasselian’s first cousin. She is looking forward to the race. “It’s going to be fun to do because when I get there with my family I know that there’s going to be a lot of people there to support the Danny V. Memorial Fund, and to support our family and show respect for Danny. This is the community’s chance to pay tribute to him,” said Cabral.
Vasselian graduated from Abington High School in 2004 and joined the Marines in 2006. The Abington community and surrounding communities will most likely show great support for this race. If you are interested in signing up to show your support for Sgt. Vasselian and the Sgt. Daniel Vasselian Memorial Fund, you can sign up at www.dannyv5k.racewire.com or following the link at www.dannyvfund.org. The family and supporters hope to see everyone there.