Welcome to Night Vale is a fictional podcast in the style of a community radio show for the small desert town of Night Vale where an everyday part of the community’s lives is the laws of science being broken, meaning that half of the things that exist in that town are scientifically impossible according to another fan-favorite character in the show, Carlos, who is a scientist from out of town. The radio show is hosted by a man named Cecil Gershwin Palmer, who is voiced by Cecil Baldwin, and the show features funny and serious adventures portrayed as news and events from around the town, as well as a small song break in each episode portrayed as the weather. This podcast was created by Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor along with all their friends that help them in bringing the show to life, and all background music and sound effects are originally made and produced by Disparition (except for the weather on each episode).
Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor have also written three novels on the podcast – Welcome to Night Vale: A Novel, It Devours, and The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home. They also have a website with more information on the podcast, transcripts of every episode, and a merchandise shop with a range of mugs, t-shirts, bags, and more, as well as a Patreon which is what helps them get the funds to create their show. What’s cool is that occasionally, the two creators along with their crew of voice actors for the people of Night Vale will go on a live show tour, performing what’s almost like a new episode in real time. Their most recent tour back in the winter and spring of 2024 was The Attic, where the lead voice of the show, Cecil, finds a bunch of old slides from a family road trip that are nice and joyful at first, but slowly get more distorted and dangerous as Cecil goes through them on the slide projector.