A Little Girl’s Dream Lost

May 7, 2021

As it sat on the hanger in front of me,

I did not like it from what I could see.

I told my mom to put it back,

As we had been there for hours and I was ready to crack.

Little did I know that this would be the one:

The dress I’d wear to prom, a night full of fun.

A night I’d been waiting for my entire life

The excitement it gave me was very rife.

When I finally put it on, I fell in love—

Was it the color? The style? The sparkle?

How about all of the above!

But now as my dress hangs on my closet door,

For the prom, due to COVID-19, that is no more.

My immense joy has turned to sadness.

With prom being canceled

I may never be able to go.

They say it’ll be rescheduled,

But I do not know.

As I have heard this one or two times before,

And I am not sure if I believe it anymore.

Will I ever get to attend my prom?

Get all dolled-up with my makeup and hair done?

Put on my shiny jewelry and glittery heels?

Zip up my picture-perfect pink lace dress,

And have its sparkles shine bright like the sun?

Or will my dress live out the rest of its days,

Hanging on my closet door, where it currently stays?

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