Meet the New Librarian Ms. Aliyah Harris
Connecting students to books
Aliyah Harris, with permission
Ms. Aliyah Harris, the Abington Middle High School Librarian-Tutor is busy preparing for the new 2020-2021 school year.
At the beginning of the second semester of 2019-2020, Ms. Aliyah Harris was hired as the Abington Middle High School library tutor. Since then, Ms. Harris has been working with Librarian Mrs. London, creating displays, helping students with computers, holding book clubs (including during the shutdown last spring), teaching students, and more.
As a library-tutor at AHS, Harris said that people always come with computer troubles. “When the tech people come up, I like to ask them how they fixed the problem so I know and can do it next time,” she said.
In order to become a librarian, Ms. Harris said, “On the experiential side, one must be passionate about books, be able to find a bit of a connection with students, and have patience to teach and troubleshoot with students.” Due to the Coronavirus, Ms. Harris has less interaction now with students, but she said, “It is a good time for Mrs. London and me to regroup and make things more organized.”
Ms. Harris has always had a love for reading and using her imagination. “I appreciate people who can make a story,” Harris said. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania where she obtained a double major in English and Theater. And she hopes for a master’s degree in library science soon.
At Penn, she thought it would be great to be able to do her two favorite things, reading and acting. “I like being able to tap into someone’s imagination and put it into my own.” said Harris. Theater has always been a big part of Ms. Harris’ life. Her first performance was in “Elves and the Shoemaker” at just two years old.
Ms. Harris has many inspirations, but her primary inspiration is her mother. As a child, her mother would always tell her to always ask questions and to never settle. Harris still follows these life lessons now that she is older.
The best part about being a librarian for Ms. Harris is getting to have little conversations when students come in and out. And, getting to open a brand-new box of books: is l”ike Christmas in September,” she said.
The best book that Ms. Harris read recently was “Fighting Words” by Kimberley Brubaker Bradley. “When I listened to the audio version of this book, I got goosebumps,” Harris said. She does not enjoy rereading books because she feels the book is spoiled.
If you ever are looking for a book, having computer troubles, or need help with research, feel free to go to the library or to email Ms. Harris at [email protected]. She’d be happy to help.
Becky Manod • Nov 7, 2020 at 12:02 PM
Amazing. I’m so happy that you are doing this job Aliyah.