Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Daisy
Ms. Daisy teaches Health at Abington High School

Ms. Karen Daisy, Health
How long have you been teaching at AHS?
This is my 21st year.
How long have you been a teacher?
I’ve spent my whole career here. I started when I was 23.
Where did you go to college and what did you major in?
I went to Keene State College in New Hampshire and I majored in Health Education. Then I went to Bridgewater State for my Master’s Degree in health promotion.
Did you always know you wanted to teach health?
I have known I wanted to be a health teacher since I was 16. I loved my high school health classes and health teachers.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Besides health, I loved English and Spanish. I also loved history. I wasn’t very good at math and I hated taking swimming in PE class.
What is your favorite thing about AHS?
The people!! The administration, my coworkers and of course, the students.
What is your least favorite thing about AHS?
At the moment, my classroom floor because it is falling apart. Also (this isn’t about AHS; it’s about teaching high school in general) I hate waking up at 5:00am!!!
What is your most memorable experience?
It’s hard to pick one…I have saved every card and letter that students have written in which they thank me for something or tell me I’ve made a difference in their lives. That is what teaching is all about. I also really enjoy advising classes.
What are your hobbies?
I love to read, shop, walk my dog and bake. I also love to go to my kids sporting events.
What are your biggest pet peeves?
1. People who litter
2. When people think they get a cold from being cold
3. Rude, disrespectful people
What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
I can’t think of one specific one. I’m sure I have tripped in front of someone and I know I have put my foot in my mouth a time or two.

Kailey Campbell is a member of the Class of 2016. In addition to writing for the newspaper, Kailey participates in basketball and softball. She plans...