Abington Pulls Together
And fights through a series of tragedies

Abington Students Honor Sgt. Daniel M. Vasselian as his funeral procession passes
Thousands of people came out of their homes and lined the streets in the freezing cold all the way from Boston to Abington on Thursday December 26 to welcome home Sgt. Daniel M. Vasselian, a son, brother, cousin, husband, friend and hero. There was a sea of red, white, and blue all over town. The procession only took about 10 minutes, but in that time about 100 police cars from many towns and counties along with police motorcycles, fire departments, fellow Marines and Vasselian’s family and friends passed by the many onlookers. Danny Vasselian was serving his third tour of duty and was set to come home to Abington in early March. His life was cut short at age 27 after he was ambushed in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan. We never realized the magnitude of a fallen solider until Vasselian passed.

Vasselian was buried next to Jeremy Russell at Mount Vernon cemetery in Abington. They were former classmates and graduated in 2004. Jeremy passed away in 2009 tragically at the age of 23. Just as with Sgt. Vasselian, the town rallied together to celebrate and support each other like they have done with the many other tragedies this town has seen in recent times. These include the untimely deaths of Makayla Guerriero, Jeremy Weston, Samantha Theodore, Amy Whitman, Joey Glynn, Kerry Walsh, Mark Chirokas, Elaine Kelliher, Tom McIsaac, Brian Cherry and many others. The days that followed were sad and mournful, but the grief was lessened by how quickly the community came together. Whether you knew them or not, you were affected in some way because someone you knew had the great opportunity of knowing them.
Three summers ago Nick Malafronte broke two vertebrae in his neck diving into the pool at Island Grove; he was paralyzed from the chest down. With the town’s support, thousands were raised at events and fundraisers to help with Nick’s recovery. There was also a fundraiser for Vasselian (started by his friend and fellow AHS alumna Nikki Cutter) to help his family. The goal was $5,000, but in just 24 hours donations reached $40,000 and have since risen to nearly $68,000. That outcome is incredible.
Growing up in Abington is like growing up in no other town. We rally together in times of need, but what makes this town so admirable is that people always help no matter what. They just do it. For instance, Eddie Bailey, from Bailey’s Garage, always helps the school with car washes and fundraisers. Builder Glenn LaPointe and the highway department always go above and beyond to prep events for the town. The turnout for the annual Jeffrey Coombs Memorial Road Race and all the people who help set it up is astonishing considering Mr. Coombs passed away 13 years ago. The race this year was even more special because Carlos Arredondo, a hero from the Boston Marathon bombing was there and was recognized for his courage. All the people who come out and support sports by coming to the games or making donations to teams and clubs which help pay for sub varsity sports, and all the sponsors around town show how everyone is involved. The Abington Depot, Abington Bank, Lorena’s Studio of Hair, J&L Homestyle Deli, The Abington Ale House, Sub Galley and Reilly Law Office just to name a few. You feel safe in this town because everyone watches each other’s back whether they’re best friends or strangers. No matter how far you grow apart you’ll always have your roots. This town’s roots run very deep.
Jada • Jun 15, 2019 at 10:33 PM
I definitely see our town come together! And I couldn’t be more grateful for what everybody has done for ?Jeremy as well as Danny! ?But don’t kid yourself this town is a bunch of judge mental ignorant rude backstabbing people! ?
Will • May 17, 2016 at 12:44 PM
Damn…this article didn’t even mention Kelly Boyd. Sad. Guess this Alex guy doesn’t care about her.
Jim Dorman • May 17, 2016 at 1:03 PM
That 1998 tragedy might have been a bit before the time period our contributor was focusing on. But, yes we should remember what happened to Kellie Boyd, a 15-year-old Abington resident and Cardinal Spellman student, who was hit and killed by a commuter train while attempting to cross the railroad tracks at the Pine Street crossing in North Abington.
Green Wave Gazette Adviser
Jim Dorman
Alex Tempesta • Feb 6, 2014 at 8:32 PM
Thank you everyone I appreciate it.
Cathleen Smith • Feb 6, 2014 at 9:32 AM
Dear Alex, What a beautiful tribute to our small town and to those who have a made a big difference in our lives. Growing up in Abington, I always knew my neighbors cared and reached out to those in need. Though trials and loss may change us, its nice to know that some things stay the same. Thank you Alex for sharing and reminding us of what truly matters.
Pam Ryan • Feb 6, 2014 at 9:29 AM
Thank you Alex! It is nice to know that the labor of love that we have provided to you kids over the past 12 years has paid off. Even if we reached only one student by our efforts, it was a success. Abington is a wonderful community to have grown up in because of all of the caring and dedicated people who live here. May you move forward in your life and live as you have learned from those that came before you! GO GREEN WAVE!
Erin • Feb 6, 2014 at 7:18 AM
This is so beautifully written, and a great tribute to all those we’ve lost in our Abington community. Let’s not forget about Joey Glynn who’s kind and gentle heart touched the lives of so many.
Linda Tempesta • Feb 6, 2014 at 7:15 AM
Great job, Ales. Dad And I are so proud of you, we love you very much! Mom and Dad
Mariann Connors • Feb 6, 2014 at 3:27 AM
Such a great article. This is exactly why some of us never leave and decide to raise our own family is this beautiful little town.
Julia • Feb 5, 2014 at 9:34 PM
To Alex Tempesta, thank you for taking the time to write about my cousin Danny Vasselian and showing everyone’s appreciation towards him and how thankful we all are for him. He would have loved that.
Jeremy • Feb 5, 2014 at 9:26 PM
Abington is truly a remarkable place with some of the best people I have ever ever met. I went there to pay my respects to V and I was shocked by all of the support Abington gave his friends and family. People waited in lines for hours just to show their respect. As a close friend of V and his family I can honestly say everyone was awestruck. I can’t thank everyone enough for what y’all did there. Truly remarkable
Trisha Doyle • Feb 5, 2014 at 9:12 PM
Alex …an amazing article. You should be proud. Great job on describing our town.