Abby Joyce is a member of the class of 2021. Joyce is entering her fourth year on the Green Wave Gazette and is Editor-in Chief after attending a journalism...
AHS Students Think So
June 5, 2018
For the 2017-2018 school year, the freshman and sophomore classes were the first to pilot a summer reading program. During this program, students were asked to read one book chosen from a required list and a second book could be of their choice. For incoming students in the class of 2021, the required reading was from a list the English department provided, while the class of 2020, the required reading was from a list the Science department provided. Then, they were given some questions to be answered and discussed during the first weeks of school.
During the first week of class, students conversed with one another about their books and what they enjoyed. Freshmen answered the question, “To what degree can one person make a difference?” The sophomores answered the question, “What is our role in the natural world?” Both classes then used evidence from the books to support their answers.
The summer reading program allowed students to retrain critical thinking and analysis that they had gained from their past school years. It helped students recall lessons that they may have forgotten over the summer break in a way that they could enjoy.
In addition to helping students further their knowledge of their lessons in class, summer reading can allow students to relate to stories, as well as make text-to-world and text-to-text connections. When asked why summer reading is important, here is what some members of the classes of 2021 and 2020 said:
Reading over the summer continues to further skills and knowledge. So go to the bookstore and start reading today!
Update: for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year, incoming juniors will also be reading two books. Information on all three summer reading programs (grades 9-11) is on the school’s website at abingtonps.org under the top tab “schools, then high school, then Required Summer Reading on the left side. Print all handouts and fill them in. Bring them to school when you return in the fall.
Abby Joyce is a member of the class of 2021. Joyce is entering her fourth year on the Green Wave Gazette and is Editor-in Chief after attending a journalism...