Sophomore News May ’18
Car Wash volunteers from the Class of 2020 at Baileys Garage, May 2018. Left to right Jarib Cole, Will Klein, Steve Pizzi, Mikaela Littman, Jarae Cole, Colby Chryssicas, Victoria Donahue, Rob Stephens, Grace O’Donnell, Tom Furness, Bubba Gendreau, Leo Magnasco, Colby Augusta, Jake Bennett.
- May 4, Progress Report for Q4 closes
- FUNDRAISER! Hilliards candy bars. $2 each or $5 for three. See an officer.
- May 8, Global Education information for students interested in learning more about the trips planned for next year. Obligatory meeting with parent/guardian at 6PM in the HS Cafeteria.
- Car wash
- May 21, nomination papers must be filed by the close of school for students running for council, class officers, or representatives.
- June 5, 8:30 AM, speeches will be given in the auditorium
Class of 2020 Twitter:
High School website:
- Robert Stephens, President
- Colby Chryssicas, Vice President
- Lauren Keleher, Treasurer
- Mikayla Littman, Secretary