Junior News April ’18
Junior class at the Pep Rally
- Term 3 Report Cards will be distributed on Thursday, April 5, 2018 during 7th period Advisory.
- Congratulations to the junior All-Star Athletes: Maddie Contrino, Maddie O’Connell, Maureen Stanton, Bryson Andrews, and Mike Bromstein!
- The Abington High School Junior Prom will be held at the South Shore Country Club on Friday, April 6, 2018.
- The class of 2019 invites parents and the community to the Grand March Ceremony on Friday, April 6, 2018 at 4:00 PM in the Abington High School Auditorium.
Class of 2019 prom court Brooke Pattenati, Nick Pinto, Dylan Magararu,Queen Criselda Burke. K ing Fraser Toomey, Jason Kinniburgh, Maddie Hagan, Jane Clark, Adrian Mendez, - The registration deadline for the May 5th SAT Exam is April 6th. The next SAT exam falls on June 2nd (which is also AHS graduation). Please go to www.collegeboard.org to register.
- The Guidance Department met with students to select their courses for the 2018-2019 school year. A copy of the course selection will be sent home with the report cards the week of April 9, 2018 for parent signature. Parents must contact the teacher and/or department head to request any level changes.
- Congratulations to Chris-Henberson Jean who will represent Abington High School in the 2018 Lions All-State Band!
- Hanover High School is hosting an admissions night on Tuesday, April 10th, with representatives from UCONN, High Point, Bridgewater, Boston University, Merrimack and University of Tampa. It is at 6:30 pm. in the auditorium.
- 04/16 TO 04/20 – SPRING VACATION
- April 30: Nomination packets are available in the Abington High School Office and the Superintendent’s Office for the Chester Millet Outstanding Teacher Award. They must be submitted to the Abington School Committee via the Pupil Personnel Office. See school website.
Class of 2019 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Abington2019
High School website: http://abingtonps.org/schools/abington_high_school.php
- Giovan Soares- President
- Amanda Nguyen- Vice President
- Allison MacLeod- Treasurer
- Madisen Caferro- Secretary
Advisors: Mrs. Howell and Mrs. Kenealy